Who Do You See?

22 Aug

Who did you see when you woke up this morning and looked in the mirror?

My sister, JoAnn, asked this question in response to one of my recent posts. Specifically she asked, “When we look in the mirror in the morning and evening, are we seeing Jesus or our own reflection from the day?”

Pretty profound, don’t you think? That sister of mine is a smart woman! She’s cut right down to the crux of the matter. I was blown away when I read this. It made me take another look at myself and ask myself the question, “Who do people see when they look at me?”

Proverbs 27:19 says, “As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” If our heart belongs to Jesus, then our life will reflect Him too.

John promised “that when Christ appears, we shall be like him…” (1 John 3:2 NIV). I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to wait till then. I want to be like Jesus today and everyday, reflecting HIs love on everyone I meet.

How about you? Who do you see when you look in the mirror? If you don’t like the answer, then invite Jesus into your life right now. Let His love fill your heart till your life reflects no one but Him. Then go and share Him with the world.

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