Where We Need to Be

17 Aug

When we’re home in Walla Walla, WA, we go to Eastgate Seventh-day Adventist Church. It’s a wonderful church, filled with kind, caring people, who truly love Jesus. The praise service is something I always look forward to, with contemporary Christian songs mixed with old time favorites. The pastor preaches practical, down-to-earth sermons, filled with thought-provoking illustrations and spiritual nuggets. I truly love worshiping there.

The one problem with Eastgate, however, is it is too big. With several hundred members, it’s hard to get to know people in a meaningful way. I’ve been going to church there for a year and a half and only know a handful of people. It’s a problem the leadership team is working to solve, but there is no quick fix.

Our first Sabbath in Puerto Rico Ana and I didn’t have that problem. Far from it! Instead of hopping in our car and driving 8 minutes down the highway to Eastgate, we drove about 40 minutes through small towns and down winding country roads deep into the jungle north of Patillas, Puerto Rico. Our destination was the beautiful home of an elderly widow, to worship with her and 7 others who meet each Sabbath to study God’s Word together.

There was no sound system, just two guitars and some faded hymnals. Instead of fancy pews we sat in folding chairs, with comfortable cushions. There was no pastor, just the 10 of us studying 2 Timothy together. The sanctuary was nothing more than her carport, with the door open to the sights and sounds of the jungle beyond.

A fancy, sophisticated church service it was not, but it was truly one of the most memorable worships of my life. That small group sang their hearts out, lifting their voices in praise to their creator. They were not just mouthing the words, but singing each one from the depths of their souls.

When it came to Bible study time, they took it seriously, taking it verse-by-verse, making sure each person understood what was being said before moving on. I could only understand a few words, but there was no doubt about the sincerity of the people who were speaking, All this, combined with the tropical breeze wafting through our meeting place and the sounds of coquis and jungle birds mixing with our words and songs, made this a Sabbath I will never forget.

Jesus once told his disciples “For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” (Matthew 18:22 NIV). It doesn’t matter if we’re worshiping in a beautiful, modern church, surrounded by hundreds of people, or in a carport in the jungle with only a handful of believers. The important thing is for us to be together, because when “two or three gather” Jesus is there also and wherever Jesus is is where we need to be.