What’s Your Story?

8 Oct

What’s Your Story?

Sometimes I’m asked how we ended up all the way across the country, after growing up in upstate NY. I tell them we always had a hankering to go west and, when an opportunity presented itself, we went for it. The move itself is quite a story, with smoking trailer wheels, near accidents, lost pets, and trailer hitches falling off while pulling a trailer at 65 mph.

Our time since arriving in Washington has been a tale in itself, with several moves, a couple years living in our trailer home with no running water and a porta-potty for a bathroom, financial ups-and-downs, and seeing God open door-after-door (and close a few along the way). It’s been an adventure, but we’ve seen God work in amazing ways so many times. It’s not a perfect story, but it’s our story.

Through the apostle Peter, God tells us to “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15 NIV). In other words, always be ready to share your story.

Witnessing doesn’t have to be complicated. Just like I tell others about how God has led us since leaving New York, just about your journey with God. Talk about your struggles, about the times you were tempted to let go of Him, and what made you hold on in the end. Tell about the good, the bad, and the ugly, and how He made something beautiful out of all the highs and lows.

Hearing the story of someone like you, someone who’s messed up, but still has found hope in Jesus, might just be the thing which helps someone else take that first step of faith into a new relationship with Jesus. And then they may end up sharing their story with someone else, and then they might share with another. Who knows? You may be surprised, when you finally stand before God’s throne, what an impact your story ended up having for His kingdom.

So, what’s your story? It doesn’t have to be perfect or even pretty. It just has to be yours. May God guide you today and give you courage to share your story with a friend today.

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