We Are Loved

9 Sep

The Father, in His love, gave us His heart.
Emptied all Heaven, His love to impart.

He loved us so much, He gave His own Son,
To die for our sins, for the things we have done.

We are loved by the Father, loved by the Son, loved by the Spirit, God three in One.

Jesus came down, to show us God’s love,
To open the way, to our home up above.

In His great love, He died for our sin,
On a cruel cross, our Salvation to win.

We are loved by the Father, loved by the Son, loved by the Spirit, God three in One.

But death had no power over the Son.
He rose from the grave, the victory won.

He lives now in heaven, but He’s not far away
Through the Holy Spirit, He’s with us each day.

We’re loved by the Father, loved by the Son, loved by the Spirit, God three in One.

The Spirit is with us all through the day,
Guiding us back, whenever we stray.

He never will leave us. His love knows no end.
He guides all our steps, sees round every bend.

We’re loved by the Father, loved by the Son, loved by the Spirit, God three in One.

As you go through this life, wherever you roam,
God’s always with you, ever leading you home.

He’s your loving Father, your Brother is He,
Your Guide every moment. You’re loved by all Three.

So, come to the Father, come to the Son, come to the Spirit, God three in one.

Give Him right now first place in your life.
He’ll be there with you, in both joy and strife.

Then share Him with others, wherever you go.
Tell them about Him, so they too can know…

They are loved by the Father, loved by the Son, loved by the Spirit, God, three in one.

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