Use It or Lose It

19 Oct

I love to work with my hands and I’ve got quite a collection of tools to prove it. With those tools I’ve built custom cabinets, remodeled houses, and created beautiful intarsia, using pieces of different colored woods to create 3-D mosaics, such as an eagle in flight or a woodland scene. The fact is, I’m never happier than when I have a tool in my hands.

The thing about tools is, you have to use them or you’ll lose them. If you leave a tool stored away in a box or you fail to keep it maintained, it will deteriorate and become useless. Moisture will get in, causing it to rust, or the blade will become dull, leaving it useless.

The same is true of the talents God has given us. Our talents are wonderful tools we can use to bring joy to others and make our world a better place, but if left unused they lose their edge and fade away, becoming useless to us and the world.

In the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25, Jesus tells the story of 3 servants whose master entrusted with different amounts of talents (money), “to each according to his own ability…” (v. 15 NKJV). Then the master left, expecting the servants to put the talents to use.

Two of them did, earning their master’s praise on his return, but one buried his talent in the ground. The master was livid, calling him a “wicked and lazy servant” (v. 26). The master took the talent from the lazy servant and gave it to a faithful one, knowing he would put it to good use.

God has given each of us some talent, some tool, to use for Him. Some have received many tools and others just a few. For some, their only talent is time, but even that can be used in God’s service and to help others.

No matter how many or how few, we each have the responsibility to put those tools to use for the good of others and to advance God’s kingdom. If we don’t use our talents, they’ll deteriorate and become useless, just like those tools rusting away in a box in my garage.

Someday soon Jesus is coming back. Until then I want to put the tools He’s given me to use for Him, improving them and using them for His glory, and “make the most of every opportunity.” (Colossians 4:5 NLT). I hope you will do the same, so that on that day, together, we will hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant…Enter into the joy of your lord.’ (Matthew 25:21 NKJV).