Three Kings Day

6 Jan

I know most of you probably have your Christmas tree down and your decorations packed away, but in our house it’s Christmas for one more day. Ana is from Puerto Rico and in their culture Christmas lasts till January 6th, Three Kings Day.

On the eve of Three Kings Day, the children go out into the fields and collect grass and straw to put in a little box under their beds. What is the grass for? To feed the kings’ camels, of course.

When the children wake up in the morning, they rush to look under their beds and, sure enough, the camels have eaten all the hay and the kings have left presents for each girl and boy.

I don’t know about you, but I’d love for Christmas to last not just till January 6th, but all year long. I know that’s not possible, but we can carry its joy with us throughout the year if we will keep Jesus always in our hearts and in our thoughts, sharing His love with everyone we meet.

In John 6:37 Jesus promises, “whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” This year, follow the example of the Puerto Rican children and come to Jesus each evening.

I know you don’t have much to give, but there’s only one thing He really wants, the gift of your heart. Give it to Him and each morning He’ll give you the best gift of all – another day to spend with Him!

God bless and remember, with Jesus in your heart it’s Christmas every day!

2 Replies to “Three Kings Day

  1. Richard I look forward in reading your “encouraging words “ each day. Linda and I are so happy that your wife and daughter walked away unharmed. Thank God!!!

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