The Messiah has Come!

25 Dec

Our daughter, Rishana, was helping out at the Journey to Bethlehem reenactment in Spokane, WA a couple weeks ago and she told us about something special that happened that night.

As one little girl walked through the streets of Bethlehem that night, she was overwhelmed by what she was seeing. She was filled with wonder by all the sights and sounds around her. She petted the sheep and goats, listened to the music, and listened attentively to the story the actors told at each stop.

Finally, they reached the stable and this little girl gazed in awe at the baby asleep in the manger. She heard the shepherds as they circulated through the crowd, spreading the good news, “The Messiah has come!”

So totally was this little girl caught up in the story, that she couldn’t hold back any longer. Running from the stable, she went out into Bethlehem’s streets, telling everyone she met, “The Messiah has come! The Messiah has come!”

People laughed at this little girl’s enthusiasm, but when I heard this story it made me think. What would happen if we all got as caught up in this story as this little girl? What if we believed like she did? I think we’d be joining her, telling everyone we met the good news – “The Messiah has come!”

This Christmas I pray you will rediscover the little child in you. This morning, as you read about the babe in the manger and the shepherds and wisemen, let the wonder of this story fill you till you can’t hold it any longer. Then, like the shepherds and this little girl, go and tell everyone you meet the good news, “The Messiah has come! The Messiah has come!”

God bless and have a very Merry Christmas!