The Gift of Time

4 Nov


I’m an early riser, usually up by 4:30 or so. This morning I woke up at my usual time, went out to the couch and turned on my tablet to read my morning scripture, just like I always do. I looked at the time on the screen I remembered – Daylight Savings Time had ended! It was only 3:30.

I went back to bed!

Time is a funny thing. It is fleeting, yet sometimes seems to drag. We say, “I’ve got plenty of time”, when in fact we don’t. And how many of us wish we could go back in time and be able to take back that hurtful word, fix that mistake, make another choice?

This morning you get your wish. You get to turn back the clock. True, you don’t get to correct the mistakes of the past, but you get an extra hour to use as you please. “So, be careful how you live….Make the most of every opportunity. ” Ephesians 5:16 NLT.

Use this extra hour wisely. It will not last. Spend a little more time with God before you start your day, striving to “understand what the Lord wants you to do.” (v. 17) . Then get up and give  the ones you love a special gift – your time.

Surprise your spouse with breakfast in bed or play with your children for a few extra minutes. Drop a line to a friend or go help a neighbor. Go volunteer for a worthy cause or just text someone an encouraging word.

Whatever you do “have nothing to with the fruitless deeds of darkness…Instead, be filled with the Spirit…Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:11, 18, 19 NIV)

In other words, celebrate! It’s a new day! “Old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” 1 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV.

This morning, God has given you a wonderful gift – TIME! Make the most of it! Put Him in charge of every minute and see what happens. It’s going to be amazing!