The Father’s Delight

19 Jun

I love being a father!

My children and their mother are the most precious things in my life. I love to brag about my kids, about how they are making a real difference in the world. I talk about them all the time to my friends, telling about something they did that made me proud or made me laugh, or about how much fun we have on those rare occasions we all get together.

I’m so proud of Rishana and the real difference she’s making in her patient’s lives; of Andrew for his leadership at his work and in his home and for the wonderful husband and father he’s become; and of Alex for his efforts to provide young people with a healthy outlet for their time, by leading out in developing an Ultimate Frisbee league.

I could go on and on about my kids and how proud I am to be their father, but I think you get the jist. They are such amazing people and I love talking about them and spending time with them every chance I get. They are my delight and I love them with all my heart.

That is how God feels about you and I. Zephaniah 3:17 says, “He will take delight in you with gladness…He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.” And Psalm 103:13, tells us, “The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.”

Our Heavenly Father loves you “with an everlasting love.” (Jeremiah 31:3). He’s crazy about you! He delights in you! You are constantly on His mind and what affects you affects Him. In fact He says, ““anyone who touches you touches the pupil of his eye.” (Zechariah 2:8). Have you ever gotten poked in the eye? It hurts! That’s how much God cares for you. He hurts when you hurt.

My children are not perfect. Sometimes they make choices that I wish they wouldn’t, choices I know will cause them harm. When this happens it hurts, like someone poked me in the eye, but I don’t stop loving them. They are still my most precious possession.

It’s the same with God. When you mess up He doesn’t throw up His hands and walk away. No, instead, He “with unfailing love” draws you to himself. (Jeremiah 31:3b). Like the prodigal son’s father, your Heavenly Father is constantly watching for you. If you will just turn towards Him He will run to you, throw His arms around you and wrap you in the robe of righteousness paid for with His son’s own blood. That’s how much He loves you.

This morning, if you’ve wandered away, come home to the Father. Don’t be afraid. The Father loves you and promises that “him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” (John 6:37).You are His delight. Come to Him today. Let Him “calm all your fears” and “rejoice over you with joyful songs.” Come to Father today and then listen to Him sing!

Happy Father’s Day!