Take a Break

3 Nov


It’s been wonderful having Alex, Julie, and Rishana here with us in Florida! Our only disappointment is Andrew and Paige couldn’t make it. Still, it’s been great getting to spend special time with 3 of our kids. Since we live several hours apart, we rarely see each other, so it’s really nice to get away together for some fun and relaxation.

Besides, I think we all needed the break. What with work and all our other duties we were all kind of worn out. We needed this time to rest and recharge and just have a little fun together.

Jesus understood his disciples needed time to get away too. They had been so busy taking care of people they were in danger of burnout, so Jesus called a timeout. He said to them, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” Mark 6:31 NLT.

Time hasn’t changed our need for some time away for rest. The vacation industry makes billions every year meeting this need. Life is busy and we all need to take a break or else we’ll breakdown.

But God knew a vacation once a year would not be enough. That’s why He gave us the Sabbath, a special time each week for us to get away together ‘to a quiet place and get some rest.” It’s like a mini-vacation every seven days when we get to stop working and reconnect with Him, with our families, and with fellow Christians.

Although God will gladly meet with us any day of the week, the seventh day of the week, Saturday, is a special appointment set aside by Him to spend quality time with us and we only hurt ourselves if we miss it.

Today, “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.’ Exodus 20:8. You’ve been so busy this week. Take a break. Besides your Heavenly Father would love to spend some time with you. Why not accept His invitation and come away with Him “to a quiet place and get some rest.” You’ll be glad you did!