Stay in Step

6 Oct

I’ve been blessed with long legs and I can cover a lot of ground quickly – sometimes too quickly!

Ana’s legs are not as long as mine and many times when we’re at the store I catch myself leaving her behind. When this happens I have to consciously make myself slow down, because I don’t want to walk ahead of her. That’s just rude. No, I want to walk in step with her, both in the store and in life.

Often I catch myself doing the same thing with God, running ahead of His plans for me, impatient to get where I want to go. At other times I end up falling behind, too timid to walk boldly through the doors He’s opening up for me. Either way leads to frustration and disappointment.

In contrast, Paul tells us “Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” (Galations 5:25 NIV). The only safe way to walk through this life is to walk with God, not running ahead, not falling behind, but staying by His side every step of the way.

Today, if you will “keep [your] eyes always on the Lord”, keeping “him at [your] right hand, [you] will not be shaken.” (Psalm 16:8). Stay in step with the Spirit and He “will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go…” (Psalm 32:8). Keep walking with Him, stick close to His side, and He will guide you safely Home.

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