Soli Deo Gloria

29 Jan

In his book, All In, Pastor Mark Batterson tells the story of Johann Sebastian Bach, one of history’s greatest composers. Before starting a new composition Bach would write at the top of the page these letters, “J.J.” – Jesu, juva – which means, Jesus help me. With this simple prayer Bach acknowledged his utter dependence on his Savior for all he did.

At the end of each composition Bach would write the letters SDG – Soli Deo Gloria – which means To the glory of God alone. Bach wanted everything he did, every note, every stanza, to be to the glory of God alone.

This is how I want to live my life. I want to start each day with Bach’s prayer, Jesu, juva – Jesus help me, and I want my every word and every action, throughout the day, to be stamped with the letters SDG – Soli Deo Gloria. Whether I eat or drink or whatever I do I want it all to be done to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Colossians 3:23 says, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”

Imagine if the letters SDG were written on every paycheck, displayed on our bulletin boards, or hung above our computers at work. What a difference it would make if we every time we hammered a nail, wrote a report, or mopped a floor, we did it Soli Deo Gloria – to the glory of God alone.

Why not give this a try? Start your day with the simple prayer Jesu, juva – Jesus help me. Acknowledge your utter helplessness and God’s mighty power. Admit that apart from Christ you can do nothing (John 15:5), but “…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26. Then determine in your heart that everything you do, everything you say, everything you eat or drink will be done Soli Deo Gloria – to the glory of God alone.

If you do this, your life will be a continual song of praise; a symphony of joy and love and peace, unaffected by circumstance; a glorious composition written by the hand of God, the Maestro of the Universe, your Savior and King.

If you will make SDG – Soli Deo Gloria – your motto from this day forward, God will transform your life into something beyond your wildest dreams. I know this is true, because He’s doing it for me. When you start with Jesu, juva and live Soli Deo Gloria anything’s possible!

So, God bless and have a wonderful day – Soli Deo Gloria!