Pastor Roger Hernandez is the speaker for a series of meetings on “Hope” which are going on this week at Eastgate Seventh-day Adventist Church. Each evening there’s also a different guest singer. Saturday evening it was Jonny Diaz, who sang a couple of my favorites, “Just Breathe” and “More Beautiful You.” However, it was a song I’d never heard before which really made me think. It’s called “Scars.” (Here’s the link if you want to listen)
The song talks about a young girl keeping her sleeves pulled down to cover her self-inflicted scars and a man with a mark on his hand where his ring used to be. His scars are inside, but are just as agonizing. Finally it tells of a King with scars on his hands and feet and it says because of those scars we don’t have to hide our own.
It’s a beautiful song and an important reminder of what Jesus did for us. He left His throne in heaven to come to this earth to bleed and die for you and me. He “was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5 NIV).
Today, no matter how deep your scars, there is healing for the asking in the name of Jesus. You don’t have to hide your scars. He sees each one and loves you anyway. His nail-scarred hand is reaching out to you right now. Put your hand in His and He will cover your scars with His own. Give Him your life today and let Him begin to heal your soul.