Rest for Your Soul

14 Aug

Rest for Your Soul

Our second week in Puerto Rico we moved to a beautiful VRBO we’d rented on the coast. We’d had a wonderful time visiting Ana’s brothers and sisters and other family, but we needed some to ourselves to rest and reconnect with each other before we headed back home.

The place was just what we needed. Our view of the ocean was framed by graceful palm trees, their fronds waving in the wind. We sat and watched the waves crashing on the shore and fell asleep to the sound of them each night. We walked the beach, collected seashells and coral, and enjoyed watching pelicans diving into the waves to catch fish. The breeze was warm, the sky clear, and life was good! We could have stayed there forever!

I spent hours just sitting on the veranda, looking out over the ocean, listening to the waves, reading, and talking with God. I felt such peace being in that beautiful place. My mind was at rest. All the stresses and worries which I’d been dealing with at home, seemed so far away. Even now, over a week later, just thinking about those hours I feel that quiet peace wash over me.

In this crazy world we all live in, we all could use a little rest, a little peace in our souls. The thing is, we don’t need to go to a tropical island or a mountain retreat to get that rest. It is ours for the asking, even in the middle of a busy day. Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NIV).

Today Jesus is inviting you to come to Him and “find rest your souls.” (vs. 29). Why wait? Come to Him today and experience for yourself this peace, “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding…” (Philippians 4:7).