For some reason my mind seems to think the middle of the night is the perfect time to solve all the world’s problems, or at least the ones in my little corner of it. I wake up at 1:30 or 2 in the morning and my mind just takes off, filled with ideas, worries, and problems. It makes it really hard to get back to sleep.
The one thing I’ve found which helps is to refocus my thoughts. Instead of lying awake worrying about all the questions in my life, I refocus my thoughts on the One who already knows all the answers. I try to follow David’s example who said, “I lie awake thinking of [God], meditating on [Him] through the night.” (Psalm 63:6 NLT).
Instead of rehashing my problems, I think about His love and thank Him for His blessings – my wife sleeping by my side, my children and grandchildren, direction for my steps, forgiveness for my sins – the list goes on and on. As I do this, all those other thoughts fade away and, usually, I’ve only gone a short way down the list before I’m sound asleep again.
So, if worries and cares wake you up tonight, instead of numbering your problems, try counting your blessings. Thank God for all the things He’s done for you and say to yourself, “Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” (Psalm 116:7 NIV). Refocus your thoughts on Jesus, instead of your worries and cares, and soon you’ll be sleeping like a baby – and probably snoring a bit too!