He Leadeth Me

5 Jan

I got a call from a pastor yesterday who wanted me to come speak at a couple of his churches. As I went through my calendar I realized a good portion of my year is already planned out for me. It’s going to be a busy year!

After eliminating Sabbaths when I’m already scheduled at my local church or other churches, weekends when I work, and times I’m away at CME conferences, we finally settled on a couple Sabbaths in June. It’s going to be fun to preach at a couple new places this summer

As I thought about this later I felt overwhelmed by God’s goodness to me. Although, it looks like a busy year ahead, God has filled my calendar with things I enjoy and opportunities to serve. I’m glad He’s in charge, because His plans for me are so much better than I could have on my own.

God promises in Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have for you…plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” God knows every moment of the year ahead, every challenge and opportunity that will come my way. I can trust Him to lead me, because I know He loves me with “an everlasting love.” Jeremiah 31:3.

As I start my journey into 2018 I find comfort in the words of that beautiful hymn, He Leadeth Me. The first stanza goes:

He leadeth me, O blessed thought!
O words with heav’nly comfort fraught!
Whate’er I do, where’er I be
Still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me.

It’s wonderful to know it is “Still ’tis God’s hand that leadeth me.” I’m excited to see what God has had planned for me in the days and weeks ahead. Whatever it is I know it will be good, even if it seems bad at first, because “…in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.

God has great things in store for you too this year, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” I don’t know what the road ahead holds for you, but I do know this – if you let God take the wheel  He will never steer you wrong.

God bless and happy travels!

Decisions, Decisions!

4 Jan

Do you ever find yourself asking, “Lord, what do you want me to do?”

I know I do, especially around this time of year. I’ve yet to get a blinding flash of insight in response to this question, although I have occasionally heard a gentle whisper in my mind.

The thing is we don’t need a special revelation to know what God wants us to do. He’s already shown us in today’s text, Micah 6:8.

What does the Lord require of you?

  • To do justly
  • To love mercy
  • To walk humbly with your God

When faced with a decision, whether a job change or a diet change, if your decision meets these three criteria then you can be pretty confident you’re making the right choice.

Let’s take diet for example. You’re probably wondering what does diet have to do with justice, mercy, and humility. Let me explain.

I’ve chosen to be a vegetarian. So how does this choice line up with the 3 criteria of Micah 6:8?

  • Do justly – to do justly means to do the morally right thing or act in a way that is well-founded or justifiable. All the latest scientific research makes it clear a plant-based diet is the healthiest diet, so I am doing my body justice when I strive to put only good things in it. A plant-based diet is also better for the planet, generating less waste and a smaller carbon footprint.
  • Love mercy –A vegetarian diet is also kinder to my own body, providing numerous health benefits without the toxins found in a meat-based diet. It’s also a lot easier on our animal friends.
  • Walk humbly with your God – 1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us, “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?” If we are to walk humbly before God we must take care of His temple, our body, carefully following all the light He has given on what is best for our health.

Now, having said all that, please don’t think I am insisting you become a vegetarian or that I think being a vegetarian is a requirement to be saved. I’m just using my diet as an illustration of how we can use Micah 6:8 to make a decision.

The point is, knowing God’s will for any decision we must make isn’t hard. Just ask yourself,

  • Is this the just thing to do? Is this right for myself, my family, or other people this decision will affect?
  • Is this the kind thing to do? Will this decision hurt others or myself? Is there a better way which will cause less harm?
  • And, most importantly, am I surrendered to God in this decision? Have I humbled myself, submitting to His will, and trusting Him to guide me?

If your decision meets these criteria then move forward in faith, knowing God is with you in whatever you do. And don’t worry. He’ll redirect you if you’ve got it wrong. You can count on it!

May God guide a bless as you walk humbly with Him this day and throughout this year.

Don’t Let Depression and Anxiety Win!

4 Jan

I’m glad the holidays are over!

No, I’m not some sort of Scrooge or Grinch. I love the Christmas season, the lights, the presents, the food, time with family, the songs… all of it! As the song goes “It’s the most wonderful time of the year!”

No, I’m glad the holidays are over, because it’s the hardest time of the year for a lot of my patients. Many feel socially isolated and alone. For others, Christmas is a time of grief, a painful reminder of loved ones they’ve lost. Still others face the New Year with hearts filled with despair over the mistakes they’ve made in the old year. Whatever the reason, depression and anxiety reach a peak in the holiday season and I end up seeing their devastating effects in our exam rooms every day.

This past year seemed worse than ever before. I stopped counting the number of people I was seeing with depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts. It was heartbreaking to see a young person break down in tears, because the stress was too much, or an elderly lady mourning over her husband who had died the previous year.

Christmas is supposed to be a time of year filled with “Joy to the World” and “Peace on Earth, good will to men”, but instead so many are crying out with David, “Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me?” Psalm 42:11 NIV.

Unfortunately, depression and anxiety don’t go away at the stroke of midnight on December 31st. Mental health disorders don’t take a winter vacation. No, depression and anxiety are a fact of life for far too many people all through the year.

That’s why I’m excited the Cashmere Seventh-day Adventist Church is sponsoring the Nedley Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program.

A wholistic lifestyle program, developed by Dr. Neil Nedley, this comprehensive, evidence-based program has helped thousands find freedom from depression and anxiety. I have helped out with this program in the past and I can testify to the difference it has made in people’s lives.

If you live in the Cashmere or Wenatchee area and you suffer from depression or anxiety, or know someone who does, please join us for the free introductory session at Cashmere SDA Church, 507 Pioneer Ave, Cashmere, WA 98815, at 6:30 PM.

For more information or for directions go to http://nedleydepressionrecovery.com/listing/cashmere-sda-church-507-pioneer-ave-cashmere-wa-98815/.

If you don’t live in the area you can find a program near you at http://nedleydepressionrecovery.com/program-locations/.

Whether you come to the Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program or not, I encourage you to seek the help you need. Science has made major strides against these devastating diseases. Don’t let depression and anxiety win. There is hope and it’s yours for the asking!

Jesus said in John 10:10, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” That abundant life can be yours. Contact your doctor or mental health professional today and take the first step towards living fully alive in 2018!

The 100 Percent Rule

3 Jan

I love setting goals!

At the beginning of every year I make a list of all the things I want to accomplish in the coming weeks and months. Around the time of my birthday in June I reassess to see how I’m doing and at the end of the year I evaluate how I’ve done.

I’m a great goal-setter. Unfortunately, I haven’t always been a great goal-achiever.

I’m sure you know what I mean. You start out the New Year with a bang – running that mile, avoiding desserts, saving money. The first week goes great, but then a day comes when you’re just too tired to run, that cake looks so good, or you find that perfect outfit you just have to buy. Before you know it you haven’t run in weeks, you’re eating ice cream at every meal, your savings account is empty and your credit cards are full. You throw up your hands and say, “Oh well, there’s always next year!”

Don’t feel too bad. We’ve all been there. I think I’ve found a solution, though. It’s called the “The 100 Percent Rule.”

Basically, “The 100 Percent Rule” states if you want to succeed in any endeavor you have commit 100 percent to it. 99 percent is never enough.

99 percent lets you sleep in late once in a while, sneak a cookie at lunch, or buy that dress instead of saving the cash. 99 percent lets you make exceptions, find excuses, and accept less than your best. In other words, 99 percent lets you fail.

At first 100 percent living seems hard, but in reality it’s so much easier than giving only 99 percent. When you make a 100 percent commitment to something decisions become easier and life gets a lot simpler.

When you’re 100 percent committed:

  • Skipping out on your daily run is no longer an option. You’re committed, so every day finds you out on the trail, rain or shine, come what may.
  • Losing weight becomes a breeze, because you’ve committed to only putting good things in your mouth, no matter what.
  • Saving money becomes second nature. Every month the first check you write is for your tithe and offering. The second goes in savings, no exceptions.

The 100 percent rule can change almost every area of your life, but the place where it will have the biggest impact is in your relationship with God.  He says in Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

God doesn’t want you just one day out of the week, on Sabbath. He wants a relationship with you every day, every hour and every minute. He doesn’t want just a portion of your life, but every beat of our heart. Even 99 percent isn’t enough.

A 100 percent Christian doesn’t need to ask what he should do in a certain situation. He knows! He’s fully committed to following Christ no matter what, so the answer is clear. He’ll do what Jesus would do, no exceptions allowed, 100 percent of the time.

If you want to be successful in 2018 determine to put 100 percent into whatever you do. Accept nothing less, especially when it comes to your relationship with Christ. After all, He gave 100 percent for you – and more!

God bless and have a great year!




New Beginnings!

1 Jan

I love new beginnings!

I think that’s why I love waking up early. There’s something wonderful about those first few minutes before dawn, when the air is fresh, the world is quiet, and the day stretches before me. It’s like being given a new lease on life, a new beginning, filled with possibilities.

Today is a new beginning, the first day of a New Year. All the things which perplexed you in 2017, the personal disappointments, mistakes, and failures, are in the past. Let them go! It’s a time for reflection, for learning from our past mistakes, but, far more, it’s a time for looking forward, for planning for the year ahead.

As you make resolutions, lay out your goals, develop your plans, make sure to include God in the equation. In John 15:5 Jesus warned, “…apart from me you can do nothing”, but He also said if you put your faith in Him, “nothing will be impossible for you.” (Matthew 17:20).

Do you want to have a successful 2018? Then make staying connected with Jesus your highest priority. He says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit…” (John 15:5).

This morning a new year stretches before you, filled with possibilities, opportunities and challenges. God has amazing things in store for you this year, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Life is a journey and each day, each year, new adventures await. I look forward to traveling with you through this new year at Encouraging Words for Today. I pray the words you read here will give you hope and joy and ease your way through some of the rough spots sure to come.

Together we can make this the best year yet, but before we get started, would you spend a little time praying with me this morning? We’re on this journey together and I can’t think of a better place to start then at the feet of Jesus. After all, it’s at His feet where the best new beginnings begin!

Until tomorrow, God bless! Today’s a new beginning! Go make the most of it!