Soli Deo Gloria

29 Jan

In his book, All In, Pastor Mark Batterson tells the story of Johann Sebastian Bach, one of history’s greatest composers. Before starting a new composition Bach would write at the top of the page these letters, “J.J.” – Jesu, juva – which means, Jesus help me. With this simple prayer Bach acknowledged his utter dependence on his Savior for all he did.

At the end of each composition Bach would write the letters SDG – Soli Deo Gloria – which means To the glory of God alone. Bach wanted everything he did, every note, every stanza, to be to the glory of God alone.

This is how I want to live my life. I want to start each day with Bach’s prayer, Jesu, juva – Jesus help me, and I want my every word and every action, throughout the day, to be stamped with the letters SDG – Soli Deo Gloria. Whether I eat or drink or whatever I do I want it all to be done to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31).

Colossians 3:23 says, “Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.”

Imagine if the letters SDG were written on every paycheck, displayed on our bulletin boards, or hung above our computers at work. What a difference it would make if we every time we hammered a nail, wrote a report, or mopped a floor, we did it Soli Deo Gloria – to the glory of God alone.

Why not give this a try? Start your day with the simple prayer Jesu, juva – Jesus help me. Acknowledge your utter helplessness and God’s mighty power. Admit that apart from Christ you can do nothing (John 15:5), but “…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26. Then determine in your heart that everything you do, everything you say, everything you eat or drink will be done Soli Deo Gloria – to the glory of God alone.

If you do this, your life will be a continual song of praise; a symphony of joy and love and peace, unaffected by circumstance; a glorious composition written by the hand of God, the Maestro of the Universe, your Savior and King.

If you will make SDG – Soli Deo Gloria – your motto from this day forward, God will transform your life into something beyond your wildest dreams. I know this is true, because He’s doing it for me. When you start with Jesu, juva and live Soli Deo Gloria anything’s possible!

So, God bless and have a wonderful day – Soli Deo Gloria!

Come and See!

28 Jan

“‘Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” Nathanael asked. “Come and see,’ said Philip.” John 1:46 NIV

Have you ever been in a store and just couldn’t find what you were looking for? I have – far too many times!

I will search aisle after aisle, to no avail, until I finally break down and do something which goes against the very essence of being male – I ask for help.

This is a major concession on my part, so I appreciate it when the person I ask, instead of just giving me directions, actually takes me to the correct aisle and points out the product I am looking for.

The Search

We human beings spend a good portion of our lives searching for something, many times with no real idea what we’re searching for. We just know something’s missing. What we don’t realize is what we’ve been searching for all along is God.

So we try this thing or that, read books, search the net, all in a vain attempt to fill that God-shaped emptiness inside. Finally, in desperation, we do something which goes against our very nature. We ask for help.

Assaulted by the Word

Unfortunately, when we do finally take this step and ask a Christian for help in finding God, they instead inundate us with information. Prophecy. Doctrinal arguments. Scriptural references.

I had a colleague once who, when describing his witnessing to an acquaintance, bragged, “I hit him with about 20 Scriptures in 10 minutes!” Ouch! That’s not witnessing! That’s assault!

At other times, in our search for God, all we get are directions. “Do this.” “Don’t do that.” “Eat this, not that.” “Go here, not there.” It’s not very helpful. In fact, it can be downright harmful!

Too often Christians’ approach to witness does nothing more than get the other person’s dander up. It causes them to get defensive and fight back with arguments of their own, pointing out inconsistencies in our arguments and even in our own lives.

Christianity, after all, has gotten a pretty bad reputation through the years because of the behavior of Christians. Is it any wonder then, that many, like Nathanael, are tempted to ask, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

Come and See

What we really need, in our search for God, is for someone to say, “Come and see.”

When I ask you where I can find God, don’t just tell me. Show me! Take my hand and say, “Come and see.” Like the woman at the well, say, “Come and see a man who told me everything I ever did!” “Come see what Jesus has done for me. Come see what He wants to do for you. Come and see.”

Everywhere you go today you will come in contact with people searching for a God to love. As you interact with them, remember, a caring touch speaks so much louder than words. Personal experience means far more than even the most eloquent argument. So, don’t tell someone what you believe, until you show them how you love. Don’t just tell them about Jesus. Show them Jesus!

Today, when someone asks you how to find God, don’t just give them directions. Instead, put your arm around them and say, “Come and see!”

Come Sit at the Table

27 Jan

“This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. But the hand of him who is going to betray me is with mine on the table.” Luke 22:20-21 NIV

This morning, in preparation for Communion Sabbath at our church, I reread the story of the Last Supper in Luke 22. As I read I was struck by something remarkable.

Right after Jesus offers His disciples the cup of “the new covenant in my blood,” He says something unexpected. Looking around the table He says, “But the hand of him who is going to betray me is with mine on the table.”

In spite of the fact Jesus knew Judas was going to betray Him, He washed his feet, shared the bread with him, and drank from the same cup of wine. Right up to the last Jesus was doing all He could to woo Judas back to Him, offering Him friendship, love, and forgiveness. How Jesus’ heart must have ached as Judas turned his back on Him for the final time and went out into the night.

As tragic as this story is, it offers us hope. Jesus pulled out all the stops to save Judas. He does the same for you and I. No matter how awful our sins or how often we have rejected Him in the past, Jesus stands ready at this moment to wash away our sins. No matter how dark our past, He offers us the Bread of Life and the Cup of Forgiveness.

We, like Judas, have betrayed Him, yet today He stands with hand outstretched, pleading for us to come to Him.

Jesus longs for us to accept His free gift of eternal life in exchange for our “threescore years and ten.” Instead of a measly 30 pieces of silver, He offers us the riches of Heaven.

In the face of our overwhelming guilt, He promises, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.” Isaiah 1:18.

Today, the table is set. The bread is served. The wine is poured. Come and eat.

You need not wash your feet before you come, for He will wash your soul.

You need not cleanse your heart, for He will replace your heart of stone with a heart of flesh.

You need not change your clothes, for He will clothe you in the robe of His righteousness. You don’t need to change a thing, for He makes all things new.

Judas missed his chance. He left the table, choosing the night over the Light. Don’t you do the same.

Come, sit at the table. There’s always room for more. You need not bring a thing. Just come. Come today!

God bless and Happy Sabbath!


Get Out of the Boat!

24 Jan

When we hear the story of Peter walking on the water we like to get on Peter’s case for his lack of faith. After all, even Jesus, as he pulled Peter out of the drink , said to him, “You of little faith…why did you doubt?”

I think we’re too hard on Peter, though. At least he had a little faith. At least he got out of the boat. And remember, he actually did walk on water, even if for only a few steps! How many of us can say the same? For that matter, how many of us would even have the courage to get out of the boat?

We beg Jesus to work a miracle for us, to get us that new job or help us leave our old job. We plead with Him to bring the right person into our lives, Mr. or Ms. Right. We ask Him to open doors, remove mountains, or make a way through the Jordan, and He says, “Sure, let’s do it.”

That’s when we hit “pause.” He reaches out His hand and says, “Come,” but we freeze. Glued to our seats, trembling in fear, we refuse to get out of the boat, refuse to take a chance on Him. Our focus is on the waves, rather than the One who calms the seas.

When Israel was preparing to cross the Jordan the waters didn’t stop flowing until the priests stepped into the waters. When God parted the Red Sea Moses first had to hold out his staff. And before Peter could walk on the waters he had to step out of the boat.

Today Jesus is inviting you on an adventure. To all your God-given hopes and dreams, the ambitions He’s put in your heart, He is saying, “Yes.” His hand is outstretched to you right now. His voice whispers, “Come.”

What will you do? Will you stay safe and secure in the leaky boat of your humdrum existence? Or will you show a little faith, climb over the side, and walk on water?

I don’t know about you, but I’d rather walk through the storm with Jesus then ride it out alone in the boat. I’d rather go over the side and maybe sink then stay “safe” and never really live.

This morning, when you hear Him say, “Come”, don’t hesitate. Jump over the side and into His arms!  Keep your eyes on Him and He’ll never let you down. Put your hand in His and prepare to be amazed!

Walking on water is just the beginning! So, get out of the boat and walk on the waves!

Trust and Obey

17 Jan

When I was a child and my parents would tell me to do something, I would sometimes ask, “But why?” Sometimes they would explain their reasons, but often they would reply, “Because I said so!”

That was a frustrating answer for a curious child, but since I’ve become a father it makes a whole lot more sense. I now realize what my parents were really saying to me was, “Trust me.”

Children don’t need to know “whys and wherefores”. All they need to know is who is giving the command. If they know their parents love them and are doing everything for their good, then the “why” doesn’t matter. All that matters is that they trust and obey.

It is the same with us. God sometimes leads us down paths and through trials we don’t understand and we cry out, “But why?” Often His only reply is a smile and a softly whispered, “Because I said so.”  For a true child of God that should be enough.

If we truly know God we know we can trust Him, even if we don’t “understand everything along the way.” After all, He says in Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you…They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

We can rest assured God, who gave His only Son to redeem us, loves us with an everlasting love. He will never tell us to do something which will not be for our ultimate good, so the “why” doesn’t matter. All that matters is that we trust and obey.

Today, God may lead you down paths which seem dark and scary. He may ask you to do things which take you out of your comfort zone. When this happens don’t waste your time trying to understand everything along the way. Don’t fret and whine and ask, “But why?” The why doesn’t matter.

All that matters is you trust and obey. God will take care of the rest. He promises to cause “… everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” Romans 8:28. You can trust Him, so don’t ask, “Why?” Just obey!

God bless and have a wonderful day!

Free at Last!

16 Jan

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 NIV

Yesterday we celebrated the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. As I listened once again to his “I Have a Dream ” speech I wondered what he would have thought of our nation now. What has become of The Dream? Has his hope for a nation where “all men are created equal” fallen by the wayside?

In a nation where racism still spreads its evil through our streets, has his prayer that his children would “…one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of the character” gone unanswered?

Has his vision that one day “little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers” been trampled under the feet of white supremacists marching in the streets, been rendered obsolete by the widening gap between economic classes, or been drowned out by the racist rhetoric spewing from the mouths of those pledged to protect the very freedoms for which they show such disdain.

In 2018, does Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream live or was it dead on arrival, a mere fantasy, with no hope of coming to fruition in the face of racism, economic injustice, and the general indifference of the American public?

While some may say “The Dream” was a pipedream from the very beginning, I disagree. I believe the dream lives on and finds fulfillment every day in the lives of men and women who put aside their own self-interest for the good of others, who reach across the aisle to shake the hand of a rival, and who reach into the gutter to lift up their fellow man.

This dream will never die as long as there are men and women of good conscience willing to stand up for rights of others, people who take to heart the command of Isaiah 58 to “loose the chains of injustice and untie the chords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free, and break every yoke”. The Dream lives as long as there are those who “refuse to believe that the bank of justice is bankrupt” and who are “able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together to, to go to jail together, to stand for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.”

In 1903, Ellen G White, said in the book Education, “The greatest want of the world is the want of men–men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.”

Martin Luther King Jr. was such a man, but he was not the only one.  There have been men and women in every period of our nations history have shared his dream, who have willingly given up “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” that others might share in the bounty of a nation build on the creed that “all men are created equal.”

I believe at this critical time in Earth’s history God is raising up a new generation will embrace this dream. The world is in desperate need of men and women “…who will not be bought or sold, who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name…” If you are one of these people, then now is the time for you do your duty and “…stand for right though the heavens fall.”

We need men and women who will strive to make Martin Luther King’s dream “a reality for all of God’s children.” This includes not just Negro, but Hispanic, Asian, Muslim, and the poor and disenfranchised of this great nation. We can never “Make America Great Again” until we, the American people, live out the true meaning of the creed upon which this nation was founded that “we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal”, regardless of the color of their skin or the nation of their birth or their economic status.

Unfortunately, because we live in a fallen world where evil and hate too often reign supreme, we must face the fact that Martin Luther King’s dream will never be fully realized until sin is vanquished and all things are made new. It is only when Jesus comes again that will finally experience what true freedom is, for when “The Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36 NIV

This is why we who call ourselves Christians must remember we have an even greater commission which goes far beyond the dream of Martin Luther King Jr.. Our commission does not just end with America, for we are citizens of a greater kingdom, a kingdom founded by a crucified and risen King, a kingdom founded on love, a kingdom established not just for Americans, but for all people of all nations.

It is time for Christian men and women to take up the Great Commission and carry this gospel to the ends of the earth as a witness unto all men. It is time for us to stand for what we believe and speak up for the rights of others. It is time for us to choose to live lives filled with love and compassion, beating back the forces of hate and evil which assail on every side. It is time for us to take seriously Christ’s admonition to love our neighbors as ourselves. It is time for us to lift up Christ before the world, to show them there is a better way, to spread wide the good news that Jesus is coming soon, that there is hope for tomorrow and a better world is just beyond the horizon.

When we do this, when we take The Great Commission seriously, then The Dream will be fully realized and freedom shall finally “…ring from every city and every Hamlet, from every state in every city.” On that great and awesome day, when Christ glory fills the sky, wars shall cease, hatred will be banished forever and then , and only then, “…all of God’s children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, free at last, free at last, great God Almighty we are free at last.”

May that day come quickly is my prayer. Have a good day and God bless America!

No More Tears

13 Jan

I’m feeling a little beat up this Sabbath morning.

Yesterday was rough. I didn’t get home till after 11 PM, because we were so slammed in the Walk-in Clinic. There’s an awful lot of hurting people in the world right now and a good portion of them walked through our doors last night.

It didn’t help I learned yesterday a friend’s cancer is back, another friend is struggling to cope with a family illness, and still another just got divorced. My heart is aching right now for each of them. That’s the problem with having people you care about – it hurts so bad when they hurt!

After yesterday I can really relate to the words of Lamentations 5:17, which says, “Our hearts are sick and weary, and our eyes grow dim with tears.” (NLT). Somedays I feel like I just can’t take anymore. I’m so sick of the sadness and pain this world throws at us everyday.

I’m so glad there’s a better day coming! Very soon God “will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4 NIV. This is not the end. Jesus is coming soon!

Until then, I’ve got some friends who are hurting, some patients who need a ray of hope, and a world desperate to hear some Good News! So, I think I’ll wipe away the tears, stop moping around, and get back to work.

Nothing drives away the gloom like making someone else’s day a little brighter! Give it a try today. You know life’s not half bad when you’ve got something good to share!

God bless and have a Happy Sabbath! It’s going to be a great day!


8 Jan

I love to bring my wife flowers. Why?  Because it pleases her.

I strive to have the house clean when she gets home at night. Why? Because it pleases her.

I rub her back when it’s sore at the end of the day. Why? Because it pleases her.

If we love someone we want to do all we can to please them. We will bend over backward, go out of our way, and sacrifice our own pleasure, all in an effort to make them happy. Why? Because it pleases them.

2nd Corinthians 5:9 tells us, “Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him.” If we truly love God it should be our greatest joy to please Him and our greatest sorrow when we do something which breaks His heart.

This is how Jesus lived His life. In John 5:30 He said, “I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.” If this is how Jesus, the Son of God, lived his life doesn’t it make sense that we should do the same?

We all face decisions every day. Do I go right or left? Take that job or keep the one I have? Drink that or put it back? Marry or stay single? It can all be very confusing.

Decisions get a lot easier, however, if we first ask ourselves the question, “Will this please God?”  When you can respond to that question with a “Yes” you’ve probably found your answer and the direction you should go.

Today, choose to make pleasing God the goal of your life and watch everything else fall into place.  When we aim to please God life just makes a whole lot more sense.

So, God bless, have a great day and remember – #AimtoPleaseGod..

Imitations Wanted!

7 Jan

When my kids were young they loved to imitate their daddy.

Once I got upset with myself and angrily kicked a wall, shouting, “Stupid!” Moments later, I heard my little daughter kick the wall too and shout, “‘Tupid!” Needless to say, my wife had a few words for me later about the example I was setting for our children.

Thankfully, our Heavenly Father sets a much better example for us to follow. We can’t go wrong imitating Him. His love and mercy have no bounds and, if we choose to imitate Him, neither will ours.

Ephesians 5:1 says, “Imitate God, therefore, in everything you do, because you are his dear children.” (NLT). Then verse 2 calls us to, “Live a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.”

Too often “Christians” are better known for their intolerance, insensitivity, and selfishness than their Christ-likeness. A few years ago, a survey found the number one thing people thought when they heard the word “Christian” was “anti-gay” – and it didn’t get better after that! “Loving” didn’t even make the list!

Imagine how different our world would be if Christians actually imitated Christ, if they lived lives filled with love. Conflict would end, marriages would flourish, rifts would be repaired, the hungry would be fed, and the destitute would find a place called “home.”

Someday soon Jesus will come to take us to a place like that, to Heaven, where “…there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain” and where “the wolf and the lamb will live together; the leopard will lie down with the baby goat. The calf and the yearling will be safe with the lion, and a little child will lead them all.” (Revelation 21:4, Isaiah 11:6).

Until then it’s up to us to bring a little bit of heaven into the world around us, to be imitators of Christ, living lives filled with love in a world filled with hate. We are to be beacons of hope, shining in the darkness, showing the world a better way, pointing them to a God who loves them with an everlasting love.

We cannot do this on our own, however. My children became imitators of me, for better or worse, by spending time with me. It is the same with us and God. It is only as we daily spend time with God, studying His Word and talking with Him, that we will become like Him and be able to love as He loves.

2 Corinthians 3:18 describes it this way, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” (NIV)

The world is in desperate need of “imitations”, people who imitate God’s love in their everyday lives. Today, determine to spend every moment in His presence, contemplating His glory, “being transformed into His image“, so you can truly be “imitators of God”, living “a life filled with love, following the example of Christ.”

May God guide you as you imitate Him today!

Through the Mist

7 Jan

This morning the fog was heavy in our valley. The mountains were hidden behind the mist and it was hard to see around the next corner. The way ahead was dark and dreary.

A short time later, however, the sun came up and burned away the mist. Light chased away the darkness and our valley was transformed into a beautiful winter wonderland.

Life can seem this way sometimes. Your past mistakes hem you in on every side and guilt presses down on your soul. God seems hidden from view and you can’t see around your own sins to find your way into the future. You feel lost, stumbling along in the dark, with no clear path forward.

But if you will just reach out and grasp by faith the nail-scarred hand of He who gave His life for you, Jesus will sweep “…away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist.” Isaiah 44:22 NIV.

He is always there, even when you can’t see Him, waiting for you to call out His name. When you do your world will be transformed. He will “turn the darkness into light…and make the rough places smooth.” Isaiah 42:16. “Then you will go on your way in safety and your foot will not stumble.” Proverbs 3:23.

As we get ready to start a new week, let go of the mistakes of yesterday and grab hold of Jesus’ hand. Put your trust in Him today and let Him lead you through the mist safely into a brighter tomorrow.

God bless!