No More Tears

13 Jan

I’m feeling a little beat up this Sabbath morning.

Yesterday was rough. I didn’t get home till after 11 PM, because we were so slammed in the Walk-in Clinic. There’s an awful lot of hurting people in the world right now and a good portion of them walked through our doors last night.

It didn’t help I learned yesterday a friend’s cancer is back, another friend is struggling to cope with a family illness, and still another just got divorced. My heart is aching right now for each of them. That’s the problem with having people you care about – it hurts so bad when they hurt!

After yesterday I can really relate to the words of Lamentations 5:17, which says, “Our hearts are sick and weary, and our eyes grow dim with tears.” (NLT). Somedays I feel like I just can’t take anymore. I’m so sick of the sadness and pain this world throws at us everyday.

I’m so glad there’s a better day coming! Very soon God “will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4 NIV. This is not the end. Jesus is coming soon!

Until then, I’ve got some friends who are hurting, some patients who need a ray of hope, and a world desperate to hear some Good News! So, I think I’ll wipe away the tears, stop moping around, and get back to work.

Nothing drives away the gloom like making someone else’s day a little brighter! Give it a try today. You know life’s not half bad when you’ve got something good to share!

God bless and have a Happy Sabbath! It’s going to be a great day!