Music to His Ears

25 Oct

I love music, but I don’t have the greatest singing voice. In academy, where almost anyone could get into the main choir, I was one of the few who didn’t make the cut. I can’t blame the music teacher too much. My audition was pretty bad. I can understand why she wouldn’t want to hear me day-after-day trying to keep up with the rest of the choir.

There is one Person, however, who loves to hear me sing. My Heavenly Father thinks I have a beautiful voice, especially when it is raised in praise to Him. As I walk along in the early morning, thinking about God’s many blessings and enjoying the beauty of a new day, my heart is filled with joy and I, like David, “burst out in songs of thanksgiving.” (Psalms 28:7 NLT). My voice may not sound great to human ears, but my Father cherishes every note.

This morning God would love to hear from you too. Don’t worry how melodious your voice may or may not be. Just lift your voice in praise, “singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs…and making music to the Lord in your hearts…give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:19-20).

To your Heavenly Father, it is not the quality of your voice that matters, but the sincerity of your heart and the depth of your love. So, go ahead! Belt it out! Today “glorify his mighty works, singing songs of praise.” (Job 36:24). Let Him know what He means to you. I promise, every note you sing will be music to His ears.