Let Him In!

28 Aug

Our granddaughter loves to ring the doorbell! When her parents bring her to our house early in the morning, so Ana can babysit her, Bexlie presses that button with gusto. Sometimes that bell seems extra loud, especially if we’re just waking up.

But, no matter how loud that bell seems to us, we never refuse to open the door and let Bexlie in. We love her so much and look forward to spending the day with her. We’d never tell her to go away or be too busy to spend time with her.

Yet how often I refuse to open the door to my heart when my Heavenly Father knocks. I’m too busy to spend time with Him or, maybe, I just don’t want to hear what He has to say, afraid He might ask me to do something I don’t want to do. For whatever reason, I ignore His gentle knock till He goes away.

The thing is, God is a lot like Bexlie. If we don’t answer the door with one ring of the bell, she keeps pressing that button till we do. God does the same. He keeps coming back, day-after-day, knocking on that door. He doesn’t give up!

How about you? Is He standing at the door right now? Do you hear His gentle knock? What are you waiting for? Open the door! Don’t be afraid. He promises, “If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.” So, don’t wait a moment longer – Open the door and let Him in!