Let Go of Your Fear

23 Jan

I admit it. I’m basically a coward. Oh, I’ve had a few courageous moments, even one or two episodes of borderline heroism, but for the most part I am a trembling coward.

It’s not even the big things I’m afraid of, either, the running into a burning building or the standing up to a bully. No, it’s the little things that terrify me, like meeting someone new or trying something I’ve never done. I’m afraid of conflict, of censure, of being judged. Fear saps my courage and leaves me paralized. If I let it, it will steal my future. And it will do the same to you.

Fear is one of the most destructive emotions humans experience. It keeps us from realizing our full potential, builds barriers between us, and destroys bridges linking us together. Fear is the root cause for most of the conflicts throughout this earth’s history.

Fear is the reason for much of what is wrong with our society – the injustice, racism, greed, and hatred which plague our planet. We fear those who think differently, act differently, or look differently than us, and in our fear we strike out in anger and despair.

We’ve seen this played out over-and-over in the last year. Whether it was the mob storming the Capital, the racial riots in our nation’s cities, or the panicked crowds fighting for the last roll of toilet paper in our stores, it was fear that was the driving force behind their actions.

Fear is a pathogen which spreads faster than the most virulent of viruses. It feeds our insecurities, causing hoarding, arguments, lethargy and despair. In its most insidious forms fear leads to authoritarianism, racism, violence, and destruction. Fear is a virus eating away at the very fabric of society.

There is but one one antidote for this destructive virus, one vaccine which will provide immunity against its effects – Love! But not just any love – God’s love.

1 John 4:16 tells us “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them.” And verse 18 says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear…”

Fear doesn’t stand a chance when love takes the field. Conflict and strife flee from its presence. Love makes cowards into heroes, the greedy generous, and turns Saul’s into Paul’s (see Acts 9).

God’s love “drives out fear”, heals our wounds, gives us hope for the future. His love teaches us to “bless those who curse [us], pray for those who mistreat [us].” (Luke 6:28). It gives courage to face our fears and peace “which transcends all understanding.” (Philippians 4:7).

Are you afraid, my friend? Has fear left you paralyzed, unable to move forward, to step into your future? Do you look around you and “faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world” (Luke 21:26)? Then it’s time to turn, to turn from your fear and turn to God.

Invite God into your heart today and experience what it means to be truly loved. Let go of your fear and let love take the throne!

God bless and have a Happy Sabbath!