Lay ’em Down!

15 Oct


When we were teenagers, our youth group went backpacking to a remote lake in the Adirondacks of New York. Our leaders counseled us to pack light, but a few somehow didn’t get the message.

Kenny was not big by anyone’s standards, but the backpack he’d brought was! He’d filled it with canned goods, bottles of water, and a bag of potatoes. When he put it on he fell over backwards in a heap!

The counselors helped Kenny lighten his load, but after a couple miles he was still lagging behind the rest of us. At that point, my father took over, lifting the pack from Kenny’s back and carrying it the rest of the way for him. Relieved of his burden, Kenny ran off with his friends, finally able to enjoy the rest of the journey.

I find I’m a lot like Kenny. I pile stuff on myself I have no business carrying – worries, cares, responsibilities. Some days it feels like I can’t take another step.

It’s then Jesus steps in and says, “Here, let me get that for you.” Suddenly I feel like a new man. I feel like I can “mount up on wings like eagles;… run and not be weary…walk and not faint.” Isaiaih 40:31 NKJV. And all because I let Jesus carry the load!

I don’t know what is weighing you down right now, what cares are breaking your spirit, what worries trouble your soul. Whatever they are, stop wasting your energy dragging them from place-to-place. “Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you.” Psalm 55:22 NLT.

Today don’t try to make it on your own. Stop trying to carry your burdens by yourself. Lay ‘em down! Let go and let Christ! Lay your burdens at his feet and let Him carry the load. You’ll be amazed how much better you’ll feel!

God bless, have a great day, and remember – lay ‘em down!