In His Footsteps

7 Sep

On our recent trip to Puerto Rico, Ana and I spent some time walking the beach, splashing in the surf, collecting seashells, and just enjoying the warm tropical breezes and the beautiful scenery.

As we walked along we left footprints in the sand, leaving a record of where we had been. Anyone who happened to come along later could have walked in our footsteps and seen the direction we were heading.

Many people each year spend thousands of dollars to head to Israel to visit the scenes of Jesus’ life, strolling the same streets He walked while on this earth, walking in His footprints. For many these trips have been life-changing experiences.

Most of us can’t afford to visit the Holy Land, but that’s okay, because we don’t need to fly to the Middle East to walk in Jesus’ footsteps. We can find His footsteps by the bed of a sick friend, in the cell of a convict seeking a better way, in the home of an impoverished mother, desperately trying to provide food for her children. Anywhere there are hearts longing for hope and people in need of a helping hand we will find Jesus’ footprints there.

Talking to His disciples, Jesus said, “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, my servant also will be.” (John 12:26 NIV). Wherever Jesus is, that’s where you and I need to be, whether it be in the halls of power in our nation’s capital or the farmer’s lowly mud hut in deepest Africa.

Jesus says to each of us, “anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works…” (John 14:12 NLT). None of us need wander through life, without purpose or direction. Jesus has shown us the way. Walk in His footsteps, do what He does, and leave footprints of your own that others can follow to find their way Home.

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