In God Alone We Trust

16 Jan

As I have followed the tragic events of the last two weeks I, like many of you, have looked on with disbelief and despair. What has become of this nation we all hold dear? Where have we gone wrong? And what can be done?

As I’ve considered this I have become convinced that where we have erred, both as a nation and as individuals, is in forgetting where our hope comes from. We have put our faith in human beings, ignoring God’s warning that, “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the Lord.” (Jeremiah 17:5 NIV)

Over and over in earth’s history we’ve seen the tragic results when we trust in a man or a system of government to save us. We so easily forget that “Salvation comes from the Lord.” (Jonah 2:9). That is why Psalm 146:2 tells us, “Do not put your trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.”

I have a newsflash for you – Donald Trump is not our Savior! Neither is Joe Biden! They are mere mortals and deeply flawed ones at that, just like you and I. Like us, “When their spirit departs, they [will] return to the ground; on that very day their plans [will] come to nothing.” (Psalm 146:4).

In spite of what they may tell you, no politician can save our nation. When they die “their plans come to nothing.” All their scheming, their rhetoric, their empty promises, will blow away with the winds of time, leaving their followers bereft, disillusioned, and lost. Why? Because they have trusted “in human beings, who cannot save.”

My friends, we have but one Savior, one who can be truly trusted, whose promises never fail. He is not a politician. He is the “King of kings and Lord of lords.” His name is Jesus Christ and “salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12).

So, what should we do? Pick up any quarter and you will find the answer. There, prominently displayed on the front, are these words, “In God We Trust.” For far too long we have given mere lip service to these words. It is time for us to start walking the talk, to start living as if we truly believe what we say.

In the coming week, and in the weeks and months to come, let us not put our “trust in princes, in human beings, who cannot save.” They will only disappoint and lead us astray. Instead, “Trust in the Lord with all [our] heart(s)…” (Proverbs 3:5).

God is our only hope and the only hope for our nation and our world. From this day forward, let us declare with every word we say and with everything we do it is in God, and God alone, we trust!

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