He’s Listening

26 Aug

I love our grandchildren more than I can say. Playing with them, reading them stories, even just watching them sleep, are just a few of the things that make every day with them so special.

Our granddaughter, Bexlie, and I sometimes have interesting conversations. Her vocabulary, while always expanding, is still limited, and her voice can be very quiet. This, combined with my hearing loss, sometimes makes understanding what she’s saying a real challenge.

Sometimes Bexlie gets frustrated when I can’t figure out what she’s saying. When this happens she’ll keep repeating the same thing over-and-over. Often I have to bend down to get down to her level, so I can hear her better and hopefully be able to grasp what she’s trying to tell me.

Many times I feel like Bexlie when I talk to God. I repeat my requests over-and-over, frustrated because I never seem to get an answer. I sometimes wonder if He even hears or if he cares.

I don’t need to worry, however, because the Bible promises when I pray, God “hears my voice and my prayer for mercy.” (Psalm 116:1 NLT). In fact, He is so interested in what I am saying that, just like I do with Bexlie, “he bends down to listen.” (Psalm 116:2).

So, don’t give up. Keep praying! God is listening. In fact, He’s bending down to catch every word. At the right time, He “will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3 NKJV).

God bless and have a great day!

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