He Will Light Your Way

3 Sep

Have you ever been lost, not sure which path to take, or even where to take your next step? I have and it’s an experience I’ll never forget.

I was in my teens and a bunch of us had decided to hike up to a lake in the Adirondacks. We had a great time, but we lingered too long. By the time we headed back the sun was setting. Before long it was pitch dark, so dark we couldn’t see the person in front of us, let alone the trail ahead. We were lost!

We tried lighting a torch, but the wood was damp. We tried spreading out to find the next trail marker, which worked for awhile, but eventually we couldn’t find another marker. Finally, in desperation, we did the thing we should have done at the beginning. We prayed.

Moments later the clouds opened up and the moon shone down, revealing a trail marker just ahead. The moon continued to light our path until we were safely back at camp. I guarantee none of us will ever forget that night when God lit the way.

Does your walk in life sometimes feel like you’re stumbling in the dark, not sure where to take your next step, unable to see the path ahead? Don’t be afraid. Remember you never walk alone. Your Heavenly Father walks beside you. He “is the Lord your God, “who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” (Isaiah 48:17 NIV). Put your trust in Him and He will always light your way.

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