Have Faith

12 Aug

Have Faith

When we boarded our plane almost a month ago, on the first leg of our 15 hour trip to Puerto Rico, my mind was filled with anticipation and excitement. I love everything about flying – the feeling of being pressed back in my seat at takeoff, the initial climb, the banking to get on course, the sound of braking and the engines reversing to slow the plane at touchdown. I even like when we hit a little turbulence. It’s like being on a rollercoaster. Ana, on the other hand, hates flying. On takeoff she grabs my hand and holds on for dear life – another thing I enjoy about flying!

The funny thing is, I got on that plane, and the two others that followed, without a single worry about our safety. I had total confidence in our pilots and co-pilots. I knew they’d gone through rigorous training and I was certain they would do everything they could to bring us safely to our destination. I couldn’t see the pilots, hadn’t met them, and didn’t even know their names, yet I had unquestioning faith in them.

Why then, if I can trust an airline pilot I’ve never met, do I sometimes have so much trouble trusting my Heavenly Father, who I’ve known all my life? Everyday God proves His love for me, providing for my needs and guiding my steps, blessing me far more than I deserve, yet I still have trouble trusting Him with the big (and sometimes, little) things in my life.

It all comes down to having faith and “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17 NKJV). The more time I spend with God, reading His Word and in prayer, the more I get to know Him, and the more I get to know Him the more my faith grows.

In this journey called life, filled with uncertainty, there is only One we can always count on, and it’s not some faceless pilot. It is our Heavenly Father, who “showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” (Romans 5:8 NLT).

Today, whether you’re “flying the friendly skies” or just going to work or school, “Have faith in God.” (Mark 11:22 NLT). Trust Him today, and everyday till He comes again, and just enjoy the journey! He will never let you down!