Decisions, Decisions

1 Nov

Decisions, decisions! “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision!” (Joel 3:14 NIV)

At this moment in time you and countless others face the most important decision of your life. How you decide will forever alter not only your life, but the lives of your children, grandchildren, friends and neighbors, in ways you can’t even imagine. The very fate of our nation and our world depend on the decisions that will be made.

This decision is a choice between two opposing parties and their leaders, two philosophies so diametrically opposed it is amazing they can coexist on the same planet. Never before has the choice been so stark.

One leader, from the moment he seized power has been determined to destroy all that is good and decent in this world. His influence has led to intolerance, bred hatred and division, encouraged violence, and stolen hope of a better life from millions.

In contrast, his opponent’s message is one of reconciliation and tolerance, promising prosperity and a brighter future. His government will bring peace to the nations and healing to the cast-out and down-trodden. Instead of hatred, he speaks of love. Instead of despair, he breeds hope.

What is this momentous decision I’m asking you to make? Well, it’s not the one you’re probably thinking of. It’s not about who you’ll vote for on November 3. It’s not about who will be our President for the next 4 years. It’s not about choosing between Donald Trump or Joe Biden, between Democrats or Republicans.

No, the decision I am asking you to make is far more important. It is truly a matter of life and death, a choice between “life and prosperity, death and destruction.” (Deuteronomy 30:15 NIV). On your decision hangs not only your future, but potentially the eternal future of all those with whom you come in contact and the ones you love and care about.

The choice you must make today is who will be your Lord and Master. Will it be Jesus Christ, who gave His life that you might live, or Satan, who seeks only to destroy? It would seem like an easy decision, but every day, every hour, thousands make the wrong choice. Don’t let that happen to you!

Time is short. Just look around and you’ll know it’s true. There is no more time for delay. “This day…I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.” (Deuteronomy 30:19). “Choose for yourselves…whom you will serve…” (Joshua 24:15)

Who will get your vote today? Christ or Satan? The Dragon or the Lamb? The choice is up to you. “But as for me and my household,” our vote has already been cast – “we will serve the Lord.”

Won’t you join us and cast your vote for Jesus today?