The noise was deafening. Forty-seven babies all screaming in unison. It was all John could do not to cover his ears. The racket was giving him a headache.
As part of a group of hospital administrators from the United States John was touring hospitals in the People’s Republic of China to learn about their medical procedures and make suggestions on how they could improve.
During the tour of the various hospitals, John had seen many disturbing things, but this nursery was the worst. Forty-seven screaming babies, with only two overworked nurses to care for them all! It was chaos!
Leaning over the bassinet of a little dark-haired girl, who was loudly declaring her discontent with the world, John, almost without thinking, reached down and stroked her cheek. Instantly, the little girl stopped crying. Her legs stopped kicking and she looked up into his face and smiled. Before his very eyes John saw the transforming power of a loving touch.
1 John 3:18 says, “Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” Actions always speak louder than words.
We hear a lot about love this time of year, but words are cheap. People don’t need pretty speeches or noble sentiments. They don’t need candy hearts or fancy cards. They need loving touches and helping hands. They need someone to wipe away a tear or give a listening ear. They someone to clothe their bodies, fill their bellies, and give them shelter for the cold.
It’s love in action which changes lives and a loving touch which soothes a child’s cry. Who can you touch today with God’s love? Don’t just talk love of Christ. Be the love of Christ in your world today.