
8 Jan

I love to bring my wife flowers. Why?  Because it pleases her.

I strive to have the house clean when she gets home at night. Why? Because it pleases her.

I rub her back when it’s sore at the end of the day. Why? Because it pleases her.

If we love someone we want to do all we can to please them. We will bend over backward, go out of our way, and sacrifice our own pleasure, all in an effort to make them happy. Why? Because it pleases them.

2nd Corinthians 5:9 tells us, “Therefore we make it our aim, whether present or absent, to be well pleasing to Him.” If we truly love God it should be our greatest joy to please Him and our greatest sorrow when we do something which breaks His heart.

This is how Jesus lived His life. In John 5:30 He said, “I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.” If this is how Jesus, the Son of God, lived his life doesn’t it make sense that we should do the same?

We all face decisions every day. Do I go right or left? Take that job or keep the one I have? Drink that or put it back? Marry or stay single? It can all be very confusing.

Decisions get a lot easier, however, if we first ask ourselves the question, “Will this please God?”  When you can respond to that question with a “Yes” you’ve probably found your answer and the direction you should go.

Today, choose to make pleasing God the goal of your life and watch everything else fall into place.  When we aim to please God life just makes a whole lot more sense.

So, God bless, have a great day and remember – #AimtoPleaseGod..