A Little Help Here, Please!

25 Aug

Things went pretty well at my new job this last week, but I did get a lesson in humility along the way. The electronic medical record system they use is Epic, which I used for many years in Wenatchee. Because of this I thought it would be a cinch to make the transition. Boy, was I in for a surprise! I haven’t used Epic in a year and half and I quickly discovered this is not the same Epic I remember!

I was only there a short time before I realized I was going to need some help. So, swallowing my pride, I submitted to hours of instructional videos, Zoom meetings, and working with other providers, learning the ins and outs of this system again. By the end of the week I was experiencing serious information overload. I came home on Friday and complained to Ana, “My brain hurts!”

It was not easy admitting I couldn’t do it on my own, but I’m glad I did, because I’m finally getting the hang of Epic again. I am so thankful for the people who helped me get back in the swing of things. Without them I’d have been totally lost.

In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus told His disciples, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3 NIV). That phrase “poor in spirit” has always been a little confusing to me. Is Jesus saying if we’re depressed we are blessed? If so, I have a problem with that, because I’ve dealt with depression and I sure didn’t feel blessed by it.

My experience this last week has given me a new perspective on this verse, however. I think what Jesus meant, when He said “Blessed are the poor in spirit”, is we are blessed when we realize our helplessness, swallow our pride, and humbly ask Him for help. When we do, then He steps in and fills us with His wisdom, giving direction to our steps. Then, with Jesus in our corner, ours “is the kingdom of heaven.”

Asking for a little help, when you’re in over your head, is the smart thing to do. When it comes to dealing with the sin in your life, it’s the only thing to do! So, don’t be afraid to pray, “Uh, a little help here, please!. Just swallow your pride, admit your need, and invite the Holy Spirit to come in and straighten out the mess you’ve made. When you do, you’ll find all heaven will have your back!

God bless and have a wonderful day!

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