Heading to Nineveh

29 Oct

My Bible study this morning was focused on Jonah. We all know his story, how God told him to head to NIneveh to warn the people there of coming judgment, but he was afraid, so he headed to Tarshish instead, only to end up in the belly of a whale.

It’s a cute story, one I’ve heard many times before, but for some reason it hit home this morning. I realized I’m no better than Jonah. How many times has God told me, “Get up and go to…Nineveh”, but instead I “got up and went in the opposite direction to get away from the Lord”?

What am I talking about? Everyday I walk the streets of Nineveh, surrounded by people who’ve lost their way, have made terrible choices, have turned from God. Everyday God says to me, “Go to them. Tell them about me. Warn them.” And what do I do? I hop the first boat to Tarshish. I head in the opposite direction, change the course of the conversation, or just don’t say a thing, letting them wander on their aimless way, lost and heading in the wrong direction. I’m no better than Jonah!

I don’t want to be a Jonah anymore. I’m not going to wait for God to send a whale to swallow me up and get me headed in the right direction. With God’s help I’m jumping ship, getting off this boat to Tarshish, and heading to where He wants me to be, which is wherever I find myself today. I’m going to ask Him to give me the courage to share Him with those I meet, to “Shout it aloud,…not hold back. Raise [my] voice like a trumpet.” (Isaiah 58:1 NIV).

I don’t have to travel far to find my Nineveh. Its streets lead through my workplace, through the place where I shop, my neighborhood, and, sometimes, through my own home. Anywhere there are people who have lost their way is my Nineveh, the place where God has called me to work.

How about you? Where is your Nineveh? Who is God calling you to warn, to tell of His soon coming, of His love and forgiveness? Will you accept the call or are you headed for Tarshish instead? If so, just be warned, you might find yourself caught in a storm – or maybe even in the belly of a whale. I don’t know about you, but I think I’ll head to Nineveh instead.

Journey’s End

29 Oct

I’ve been traveling most of the day, going from a pleasant fall day in College Place, WA to a cold and snowy evening in Denver. I’m here for the 2023 Lifestyle Medicine Conference, something I’ve been looking forward to all year.

The plane ride was fine, with just a little turbulence coming into Denver, but getting to my hotel was a pain! I’d rented a car and had to wait for almost an hour in the cold for the shuttle to take me to the rental agency. Once I got there I found out there were a couple mandatory charges which hadn’t been mentioned when I’d reserved the car online. These would have more than doubled the cost, so I canceled the rental.

I caught the shuttle back to the airport, then waited another 20 minutes for the hotel shuttle. By then my teeth were chattering and I was freezing. Finally I arrived at my hotel, 2-½ hours later than I should have, cold, discouraged, and frustrated.

As I turned the doorknob for my room, I wondered what awaited me on the other side. When I opened the door and saw the room I breathed a sigh of relief. Finally something had gone right. The room is beautiful, spacious, and, most importantly, warm. The bed is soft and the whole room has a comfortable feel. It feels so good to be finally at my journey’s end.

We all are on a journey, one which is often fraught with setbacks, discouraging circumstances, and unexpected challenges. It would be so easy to give up, turn back, or just throw up our hands and quit.

But we do not journey alone. God promises He will send “an angel ahead of you to guard you along the way and to bring you to the place I have prepared.” (Exodus 23:20 NIV). No matter how hard the journey or what setbacks you face along the way, God is with you.

I wouldn’t want to have another trip like I had today, but I thank God for leading me safely here to a place where I can rest. He will do the same for you. Put your trust in Him and He will bring you safely to your journey’s end, a place far better than the nicest hotel room, a place you can truly call Home.

Forget the Former Things

28 Oct

‘Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18 NIV.

It’s a funny thing – I have trouble remembering names, faces, and sometimes even what I ate this morning. If Ana asks me to pick up more than 3 things at the store I must make a list. I tell her, “If it’s not on the list, it doesn’t exist.”

If Ana asks me to do something I’ve learned to do it right away, because otherwise I’ll forget. When working on the house, I spend half my time looking for some tool I’ve misplaced. I’m pretty good with numbers, but don’t expect me to recall your name. Basically, I have the memory of a dead elephant!

Unfortunately, there is one thing I’m very good at remembering – the past, specifically my past mistakes. I recall with ease my errors in judgment, my screw-ups, my embarrassing moments. As David lamented, “I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.” Psalm 51:3.

It’s not that I don’t believe I’m forgiven. I know, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9. It’s more that I have trouble forgiving myself. I haven’t learned to let go and let God.

The good news is God has a terrible memory, at least when it comes to the sins we’ve asked forgiveness for. He declares in Isaiah 43:25, “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

This morning, if your past mistakes are clouding your future, if the memory of your sin is darkening your way, lift your eyes to Jesus. His arms are open wide and His offers forgiveness, peace and love to all who come to Him. He will help you “forget the former things” and no longer “dwell on the past.”

Jesus says to you today, “See, I am doing a new thing!” Isaiah 43:19. The past is over and done, but the future is bright! It’s time to follow Pumbaa’s advice and “…put your behind in the past!”

This morning take Jesus’ hand and walk together with Him into a brighter tomorrow. It’s going to be great!

Share Each Other’s Burdens

26 Oct

My Grandma Cox was one of the sweetest, kindest people I’ve ever known. She lived the love of Jesus in everything she did. She was also humble to a fault. My Dad used to say when Grandma got to heaven and saw all the stars on her crown, she’d want to give it back, insisting they couldn’t all be for her.

In her later years Grandma was quite stooped over and walked very slowly. In spite of this, she would go out of her way to help someone out, but she never wanted to bother someone to help her. Sometimes she would take this a little too far.

Once, when I brought her back to the adult home where she was living, we were slowly walking down the hall to her room, and she said to me, “I’m just going to put my Bible in my room and then come back to the dining hall to eat.”

I looked down at her and then looked at her Bible, which I was holding. Confused, I said, “But Grandma, I have your Bible. I can just take it to your room.” She shook her head and said, “No, I don’t want to be a bother.” I sighed and kept taking small steps beside her, all the while thinking I could have been there and back again twice already.

Paul tells us to, “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.” (Galatians 6:2 NLT). It’s okay to want to carry your own load, to pull your own weight, but it’s also okay to ask for help. God wants us to help each other out, but I can’t share your burden if you won’t let me carry it for a while.

I hope we will all follow Grandma’s example and “be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others.” (1 Timothy 6:18). At the same time, if you could use a helping hand, don’t be afraid to ask.

If you’ve got something weighing you down, don’t let pride stand in your way or worry about “being a bother.” Ask a friend to help you carry the load. Afterall, that’s why God gives us friends and family, so we can “share each other’s burdens…”.


If you’ve got a burden you need some help carrying, I’d love to help you carry it to Jesus in prayer. Just message me and together we’ll bring it to the One who promised, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28 NLT).


25 Oct

When we first moved to Western Washington in 2001 one of the things I was amazed at were the raspberries and blackberries. I was used to the small, wild berries we had back East, but these things were huge! You could fill a bucket in no time and they were everywhere. The problem was, if you weren’t careful the plant’s thorns would tear you to shreds!

Thinking about this, I was reminded of Paul’s complaint in 2 Corinthians 12:7. He said, “So to keep me from becoming proud, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from becoming proud.”

Paul goes on to say, “Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, ‘My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.’” (v. 8-9)

I don’t know what Paul’s “thorn in the flesh” was, but I think we all can relate. Each of us has had our own “thorn,” something painful in our lives which tears at our peace of mind, rips at our hopes and dreams, leaving us feeling wounded and torn.

For some the thorn may be a physical impairment, for others a job they hate, but can’t afford to leave. For still others it may be a difficult relationship or financial difficulties. Whatever our “thorn” it is difficult to see it as a blessing, but we must remember we serve a God who “causes everything to work together for the good.”

Our Heavenly Father knows just what we need and sometimes allows thorns and brambles, trials and difficulties, to come into our life, so we can realize our dependence on HIm and that His grace is all we need. It is only when we come to the point of recognizing our utter helplessness without Him that we can be truly victorious.

I don’t know what “thorn in the flesh” you’re dealing with today, but maybe it’s time to stop fighting with God over it. Instead, trust that He knows what’s best and like Paul, “take pleasure in [your] weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that [you] suffer for Christ. For when [you are] weak, then [you are] strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10)

Remember, hidden amongst the thorns is delicious fruit and within each trial God hides a blessing. Today, stop worrying about the brambles and seek the fruit!

So Many Changes

24 Oct

I’ve been in medicine for over 37 years and I’ve seen a lot of things change in that time. When I started out we didn’t have computers in my Dad’s office. All our charts were handwritten and the notes usually covered about a half a page. Now, everything’s done on computers and my notes run 4-6 pages.

There’ve been so many other changes. Cell phones, smart watches, and digital x-rays. HIV, avian flu, and COVID. We used to give antibiotics for the mildest cough, but now we avoid them unless absolutely indicated. Treatment methodologies which were standard practice 30 years ago have fallen by the wayside, as new research has pointed us in different directions.

One of the most exciting changes is the rise of Lifestyle Medicine, which uses diet, exercise, and other lifestyle changes as first line treatment for chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and even cancer prevention. I’m going to the annual Lifestyle Medicine Conference in Denver this next week and can hardly wait to see what the newest research shows in this rapidly growing field (actually I’m looking forward to the food most of all – it’s usually fantastic!).

Change is not limited to medicine. Whether it’s technology, agriculture, social science, politics, or almost any area, the rate of change can make you dizzy. Nature too changes constantly, one season following another. Even relationships can change in a moment. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, leaving us wondering what we can really count on.

Thankfully there is One who never changes – Jesus Christ! He “is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8 NLT). Even when everything else seems to be falling apart around you, He is the solid Rock you can build your life on.

Change is inevitable, except when it comes to our God. The “mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him…” (Psalm 103:17). When your world is spinning out of control, hold on to Jesus. He loves you with an everlasting love and that’s one thing which will never change.

The Power of Words

23 Oct

As a writer and a speaker I love searching for just the right word or combination of words to get my point across. As Solomon said, “…it is wonderful to say the right thing at the right time!” (Proverbs 15:23 NLT).

Unfortunately, too often, I’m more likely to say the wrong thing at the wrong time. I’ll get upset at a co-worker for not getting something right and a harsh word slips out. Then I have to spend the rest of the day mending fences. Another time I might mean to give a compliment and end up insulting the other person by mistake. It’s no wonder James described the tongue as “restless and evil, full of deadly poison.” (James 3:8).

Words have so much power, both for good or evil. As Proverbs 15:1 says, “A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.” Words can build bridges or tear them down. They start wars or heal wounds. They can express love or spew hatred.

In the end, it all comes down to who we put in control of our tongues. If we give God control He will teach us when to speak and when to stay silent. When we do speak our words will be “a life-giving fountain;” (Proverbs 10:11), will “encourage many,” (Proverbs 10:21) and may even “save lives.” (Proverbs 12:6). That’s the power of words, when we let God have control.

Today, before you do anything else, and especially before you say a single word, ask God to take control of your tongue. Let your prayer be, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.” (Psalm 19:14). Ask Him to give you “the right thing to say at the right time” and determine to use the power of words to share His love everywhere you go.

Refocus and Rest

22 Oct

For some reason my mind seems to think the middle of the night is the perfect time to solve all the world’s problems, or at least the ones in my little corner of it. I wake up at 1:30 or 2 in the morning and my mind just takes off, filled with ideas, worries, and problems. It makes it really hard to get back to sleep.

The one thing I’ve found which helps is to refocus my thoughts. Instead of lying awake worrying about all the questions in my life, I refocus my thoughts on the One who already knows all the answers. I try to follow David’s example who said, “I lie awake thinking of [God], meditating on [Him] through the night.” (Psalm 63:6 NLT).

Instead of rehashing my problems, I think about His love and thank Him for His blessings – my wife sleeping by my side, my children and grandchildren, direction for my steps, forgiveness for my sins – the list goes on and on. As I do this, all those other thoughts fade away and, usually, I’ve only gone a short way down the list before I’m sound asleep again.

So, if worries and cares wake you up tonight, instead of numbering your problems, try counting your blessings. Thank God for all the things He’s done for you and say to yourself, “Return to your rest, my soul, for the Lord has been good to you.” (Psalm 116:7 NIV). Refocus your thoughts on Jesus, instead of your worries and cares, and soon you’ll be sleeping like a baby – and probably snoring a bit too!

The Book

21 Oct

“It’s just another book,”
I’ve heard some people say.
But I know it has power inside
to help all who’ve gone astray.

It can take a broken spirit
and make it whole once more.
When read by a weary soul,
his strength it will restore.

It can lead a long lost sinner,
back to the narrow way,
To give his heart to Jesus,
begin again to pray.

It gives sad and grieving hearts
hope for better days ahead
When death is overcome
and no more tears we’ll shed.

It promises a day is coming
when the skies will open wide
And Jesus will come to take us home,
to be always by His side.

The Bible’s not ”just another book.”
It’s God’s love letter, pure and true.
It tells of how He gave His Son
to bleed and die for you.

So, don’t wait another moment
to open up it’s pages
Read there what Jesus did for you,
that holy Rock of Ages.

Then get down on your knees.
Give Him your heart today.
Study daily in His Word
and you’ll find a better way.

Wrinkle Free

20 Oct

We’re still going through the process of unpacking our stuff from our move here. It seems like an unending process sometimes, but it’s worth it when I discover things I thought were lost or thrown away in the move.

A couple days ago I discovered a duffel bag filled with clothes tucked into a closet. As I started unpacking it I was pleasantly surprised to find a couple shirts and a favorite sweater I’d thought were lost. It was like finding hidden treasure!

The shirts and sweater were pretty wrinkled, enough so Ana threw them in the wash. She tossed in some soap and started up the washer. Those clothes got soaked, scrubbed, tossed about, and spun around. Then they were thrown into the dryer to be subjected to the heat and more spinning. You’d think after all that they’d look even worse than before, but actually they looked great, with not a wrinkle in sight.

In Ephesians, Paul tells us “Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word…” (Ephesians 5:25-27 NIV).

Without Christ, we’re a mess. Stained, wrinkled, and just plain filthy. But God loved us so much He didn’t leave us in this condition. He sent His Son to die for us, so we could be cleansed by His blood and washed “with water through the word…”

Separated from God by our sins, we were “without hope and without God in the world.” (Ephesians 2:12). But Jesus changed all that. Now we are clean in Him. But God’s not done with us yet. He wants even more for us. He wants to be able to “present [us] to himself as a radiant church…” (Ephesians 5:27).

In order to accomplish this God sometimes has to put us through the wringer. He lets life toss us about. He allows circumstances to send us spinning. Finally, He uses the heat of hardship to burn away the dross in our souls, so when He is done we will be “without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.” (Ephesians 5:27).

This process doesn’t seem “pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” (Hebrews 12:11). When we finally walk through Heaven’s Gate we will know it was worth it all. With a shout of joy we will throw our crowns at Jesus’ feet and thank Him for putting us through the wringer, so we could stand before His throne, without stain or blemish and not a wrinkle in sight!