We Have This Hope

13 Jan

This was a post I was hoping I wouldn’t have to write.

I was hoping to be able to tell you today about a miracle, that my cousin Benji had suddenly woken up, smiled his beautiful smile, looked around and wondered, “What’s going on?”

Unfortunately that didn’t happen. Instead, yesterday afternoon Benji passed away at 51 years old, leaving us with our grief, heartbreak and memories of a wonderful man who loved his family and brightened the lives of so many others.

My daughter still remembers when Benji rolled up to our house in New York in his big semi-truck for an unannounced visit. She remembers him swinging her in his arms, making her squeal in delight.

I remember wonderful times with him and his siblings playing in their backyard in Tennessee and swimming in a creek on a Sabbath afternoon.

Those are good memories. I just wish there were more of them. But, even through my tears, I find reason for joy, because there are more memories to come.

You see we “do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him.” (1 Thessalonians 4:13-14 NIV).

A new day is about to dawn, a day when “sorrow and sighing will flee away.” (Isaiah 51:11) On that day “the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first.” (1 Thessalonians 4:16).

Someday soon we will see Benji’s big smile once again and hear his laugh fill the room. Soon “we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with [him] in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” (1 Thessalonians 4:17)

Meanwhile we are left with our grief and our memories. We are left with our sorrow and our tears. But we are left with something more – Hope!

We have this hope of a better day to come, a day when death will finally be “swallowed up in victory.” (I Corinthians 15:54). May that day come soon, is my prayer.

Until then, rest well, Benji. We’ll see you soon!

Vacation Time!

12 Jan

We’re on vacation!

Today, after church, Ana and I head to Seattle to spend the evening with our daughter Rishana, then tomorrow we’re off to Hawaii! Nine wonderful days on Kauai, snorkeling, walking the beach, hiking in the jungle, and, most of all, just kicking back and taking it easy.

I can’t say I deserve this vacation, but I certainly need it. The last few days of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 have been a little stressful and I can use the break. It’s time for a little R & R and some one-on-one time with my one-and-only.

We all need a little vacation now and then, a time to put aside the worries and stresses of everyday life, a time to be reminded of the things which matter most – family, friends, and our God who loves us. I think God knew this, which is why He built a little mini-vacation into every week, the seventh-day Sabbath.

Many would say, “Oh, you don’t need to keep the Sabbath, because the law was nailed to the cross.” Well, I don’t know about you, but I NEED to keep the Sabbath!

I need that time each week when I can put aside my worries and cares and “Come aside…and rest awhile.” Mark 6:31 NKJV. I need that time with God and with friends and family to recharge my batteries and replenish my faith. Besides which, it’s so much fun!

Frankly, I don’t know how people get by without the Sabbath. They miss out on so much. The Sabbath is the best part of the week, a whole day just to spend with friends and family, worshipping God, eating good food, spending time in nature, helping others, and getting some much needed rest. Why would you ever want to miss out on such a wonderful time?

This morning you’re invited to join us on our vacation. Not the one to Hawaii. I’m sorry, but there’s only room for two on that trip. No, I mean the one God made especially for you and I, the Sabbath. Join us today and take a mini-vacation with God. Just “Come aside…and rest awhile.” I promise you’ll be glad you did! It’s going to be a great day!

God’s Got You Covered

11 Jan

I just finished registering our new car with the insurance company. It’s a relief to get that taken care of because now I know we’re covered if something should happen. Driving around without insurance is never a good idea.

I’ve been quite pleased with our insurance company, but, as good as their coverage is, I know it’s limited. They will pay me if the car has an accident, but they can’t prevent the accident. My life insurance policy will pay my family when I die, but it can’t help me live a better life in the meantime.

Psalm 118:8 tells us, “It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans.” Unlike my insurance company, which is in business to make money, Jesus came that we “may have life, and have it to the full.” John 10:10.

If I have an accident my auto policy will help with the expenses, but the Lord promises to “watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” Psalm 121:8. My homeowner’s insurance will pay to rebuild my home, but God promises, “If you say, ‘The Lord is my refuge,’ and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you…” Psalm 91:, 9-10.

When it comes to life insurance nobody can beat God’s benefit plan, becauses Jesus promises, “The one who believes in me will live, even though they die…” (John 11:25) and “Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life…”(John 3:36). Eternal life – now that’s a payout worth looking forward to!

Today, as you go about your daily activities, don’t worry about a thing. If you’ve accepted Jesus as your Savior and taken refuge in the Lord”, you’ve got a heavenly insurance policy. The premium has already been paid by the blood of Christ. So don’t be anxious or afraid. God’s got you covered and He will never let you down.

Pray for Ben

10 Jan

When faced with a loved one’s illness and the limits of modern medicine to heal, I often hear people say, “I guess all we can do is pray,” as if there is no hope.

However, prayer is not something we should use as a last resort, as a final desperate plea. No, prayer is the most powerful weapon in our arsenal, “the key in the hand of faith to unlock heaven’s storehouse, where are treasured the boundless resources of Omnipotence…” (Steps to Christ, p. 94).

In James 5:15 we are promised that if anyone is sick, “the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven.”

Sometimes this healing is immediate, sometimes we must wait, and sometimes the Lord sees it’s best for them to rest until He comes. Either way, God’s promise is sure, “the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well.”

This morning my extended family could use your prayers. My cousin, Ben, is in the hospital. He has had several strokes and is in a coma. The prognosis is not good, but God promises, “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)

Please pray for Ben and his family today. Pray for his healing and restoration to his family, but, even more importantly, pray that he, his family, and all the rest of us may be together on that day when God “will wipe every tear from their eyes.”

On that day, “There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:4.

May that day come quickly! God bless and please pray for Ben.

What Are You Looking At?

9 Jan

I was beginning to think winter was going to for the most part pass us by, but yesterday we got six inches of the fluffy, white stuff. It’s absolutely beautiful in our valley right now, with snow piled on roof tops and tree branches and the brown earth covered in white.

For many of us who live in the Northwest, winter is a mixed blessing. We need a heavy snowpack to ensure our irrigation ditches are filled in the summer. Also, the snow is good for the ski resorts and the local economy in general. At the same time winter comes with some drawbacks. Clearing 6 inches of snow of your car at 6 AM, scrapping layers of ice off windshields, and an icy commute to work are just a few winter annoyances that come to mind.

It would be easy to let these winter hardships blind us to the beauty of this time of year. Likewise, it’s easy to lose sight of God’s many blessings when things don’t go right, bills pile up, or sickness strike.

How we react to setbacks and challenges depends on where we are focusing our attention. If my eyes are fixed on the icy path or the snow blocking my way I may miss the beauty of the sun shining off the snow or a little bird balanced on a snow-covered branch. Similarly, if my focus is on my problems, I may lose sight of my Heavenly Father, the Problem Solver.

What about you? What are you looking at today? Are your eyes on roadblocks or the One who clears the way before you? Are you focused on the troubles in your life or the One who came that you “may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10)?

Today, instead of the dirty, slush covered roads, let’s focus on the beauty of snow-covered fields, And, instead of looking at the problems in our path, let’s “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.” Psalm 105:4 NIV. If we just fix our eyes on Jesus, it’s going to be a beautiful day!

Show – Then Tell

8 Jan

This last Sabbath, Ana and I visited the Young Adults Sabbath School Class at church (yeah, they even welcome old fogies like me!). We were discussing Revelation and how it can be hard to understand, especially for someone who isn’t familiar with the Bible.

One of the young ladies mentioned a friend who doesn’t believe in much of anything and how he couldn’t understand how she could believe the Bible. One of the other class members said, “Tell him you have to have faith.”

No offense, but I find we Christians tend to use the phrase, “you have to have faith”, as a cop-out when we don’t have an answer. We don’t really understand the subject ourselves, so we fall back on the tried-and-true, “You’ve gotta have faith” defense, nodding with satisfaction at our own wisdom. Meanwhile, the poor person we’re talking to is going, “Huh?”

For many the Bible is just an ancient book with a bunch of worn-out stories. This is why actions often speak louder than words. Yes, we need to share what the Bible says, but how it affects the way we live our lives is a more important witness than any words we use.

Remember the children’s game “Show and Tell”? Too often I get this backwards. I try to tell people what I believe, before I show them the difference it has made in my life. I need to follow the advice in James 2:18 to “show you my faith by my deeds.” In other words, I need to show, then tell!

In this coming year let’s get things in the right order. The Bible says, “The righteous will live by faith.” (Romans 1:17) It’s time for us to “live by faith,” not just tell people to “have faith.” Let’s give people a reason to believe, before we tell them to believe. In other words, let’s show, then tell, not the other way around.

What’s Blocking Your View?

7 Jan

What do you see when you look at the world around you? Do you see the needs of others, the opportunities to make another’s life a little easier, or do your own wants and needs block your view?

My friend, Tim Riesenberger, posted the following story on Facebook a few days ago which made me think about how I see the world. He was kind enough to let me share it with you:

“One day a wealthy Jewish businessman visited a rabbi to ask the meaning of life. He was confused. He seemed to have everything he needed and wanted: a beautiful loving wife, awesome obedient kids, great job, and a secure retirement, but he still somehow felt empty.

“The rabbi took him to a room with a large glass window that overlooked the streets of Jerusalem. He asked him ‘what do you see?’ The businessman told him: ‘I see men, women, and children, some busy with trade, others on their way to some destination, but many are in need, some are desperately poor, others seem lost and alone.’

“The rabbi then placed a very large mirror in front of him. He asked him to look again and tell him what he saw. ‘I see myself,’ answered the Jewish businessman.

“Then the rabbi told him: ‘Both the window and the mirror are simple panes of glass, however the mirror has a very small amount of silver added to the back. All of us in life begin as panes of glass, God has given us His grace to be able to see and meet the needs of those around us. However, it only takes a little silver added to our lives to cause us to be blinded to others around us and only see ourselves.”

“Has the window of your soul turned to silver glass?
Once only through this life we all must pass.
Can they see the silver that’s blocking your view?
Or do others behold the Savior? The choice is up to you.”

Without Jesus in our lives, “we see only a reflection as in a mirror” (1 Corinthians 13:12), but when His love fills our hearts our eyes are opened and “then we shall see face-to-face.”

I pray that today God will remove “the silver that’s blocking your view” so His love can shine on others through you.

Three Kings Day

6 Jan

I know most of you probably have your Christmas tree down and your decorations packed away, but in our house it’s Christmas for one more day. Ana is from Puerto Rico and in their culture Christmas lasts till January 6th, Three Kings Day.

On the eve of Three Kings Day, the children go out into the fields and collect grass and straw to put in a little box under their beds. What is the grass for? To feed the kings’ camels, of course.

When the children wake up in the morning, they rush to look under their beds and, sure enough, the camels have eaten all the hay and the kings have left presents for each girl and boy.

I don’t know about you, but I’d love for Christmas to last not just till January 6th, but all year long. I know that’s not possible, but we can carry its joy with us throughout the year if we will keep Jesus always in our hearts and in our thoughts, sharing His love with everyone we meet.

In John 6:37 Jesus promises, “whoever comes to me I will never drive away.” This year, follow the example of the Puerto Rican children and come to Jesus each evening.

I know you don’t have much to give, but there’s only one thing He really wants, the gift of your heart. Give it to Him and each morning He’ll give you the best gift of all – another day to spend with Him!

God bless and remember, with Jesus in your heart it’s Christmas every day!


5 Jan

Ana’s uncle, Angel, recently used the word “sabrosura”, to comment on one of my posts. Intrigued I asked Ana want it means. The simplest translation of sabrosura is “tasty,” but there’s a far richer meaning. It can mean sweetness, delight, savoriness.

As I thought about that, I remembered 2 Corinthinans 2:14-15 which says, “But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere. For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.”

The KJV translates the word aroma as “savour”. We are to be the savour of Christ to the world. We are to be sabrosura.

Colombia calls itself the “Land of Sabrosura.” To Colombians, the word speaks of “a vibrant and colorful country where kindness, joy, diversity, flavor, and music come together to make people vibrate with life.” “Sabrosura is the irresistible attitude and optimism that transforms visitors into friends.”

This is what God wants our churches to be like. He wants us to be Sabrosura, irresistible, places where our “attitude and optimism…transforms visitors into friends”, places “where kindness, joy, diversity, flavor, and music come together to make people vibrate with life.”

In 2019, let’s become the Church of Sabrosura, the savour of Christ in our communities. May we, as a church and as individuals, let God use “us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of him everywhere”, inviting all we meet to “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” Psalm 34:8.

God bless and have a “tasty” Sabbath!

The Best Deal Ever

4 Jan

Shopping for cars is not my favorite thing to do. I’m one of those people who can’t just go and buy a car. I have to research about each brand, consider the options, safety features, and customer reviews, and then drive several vehicles, before I finally make a choice.

The problem is there are so many choices out there. I always laugh when a salesperson puts the pressure on me to “Buy Now!” They gravely warn me that this deal won’t last, that someone else might snap up this bargain if I wait. I smile and look at my list and move on to the next dealer. If there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that there is always another deal, always another car.

When it comes to our salvation that’s not true, however. There’s only one option out there – Jesus Christ. “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12 NIV.

Don’t waste your time shopping around. Jesus is the best deal you’ll ever find! But, don’t forget, this is a limited-time offer. Jesus is coming soon to take His children home. Make sure you don’t miss out this one-time event. “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.” Isaiah 55:6.

I know if I look hard enough I’ll find the right car. In the same way, God promises,”You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13. This morning, make seeking Him your first priority and when you find Him give your heart. He’s the best deal ever!